Web Design Definition Web design is the process of creating websites. It encompasses several different aspects, including webpage layout, content production, and graphic design. While the terms web design and web development are often used interchangeably, web design is technically a subset of the broader category of web development. Websites are created using a markup language called HTML. Web designers build webpages using ..
Category : Internet
Cookie Definition A cookie is a small amount of data generated by a website and saved by your web browser. Its purpose is to remember information about you, similar to a preference file created by a software application. While cookies serve many functions, their most common purpose is to store login information for a specific site. Some sites will save both ..
Ajax Definition Ajax is a combination of Web development technologies used for creating dynamic websites. While the term “Ajax” is not written in all caps like most tech acronyms, the letters stand for “Asynchronous JavaScript And XML.” Therefore, websites that use Ajax combine JavaScript and XML to display dynamic content. The “asynchronous” part of Ajax refers to the way requests ..
XHTML Definition Stands for “Extensible Hypertext Markup Language.” Yes, apparently “Extensible” starts with an “X.” XHTML is a spinoff of the hypertext markup language (HTML) used for creating Web pages. It is based on the HTML 4.0 syntax, but has been modified to follow the guidelines of XML, the Extensible Markup Language. Therefore, XHTML 1.0 is ..
HTML Definition Stands for “Hypertext Markup Language.” HTML is the language used to create webpages. “Hypertext” refers to the hyperlinks that an HTML page may contain. “Markup language” refers to the way tags are used to define the page layout and elements within the page. Below is an example of HTML used to define a basic webpage with a title ..
URL Definition Stands for “Uniform Resource Locator.” A URL is the address of a specific webpage or file on the Internet. For example, the URL of the TechTerms website is “http://techterms.com.” The address of this page is “http://techterms.com/definition/url” and includes the following elements: http:// – the URL prefix, which specifies the protocol used to access the location techterms.com – the server name or IP address of the ..
ASP Definition ASP has two different meanings in the IT world: 1) Application Service Provider, and 2) Active Server Page. 1) Application Service Provider An Application Service Provider is a company or organization that provides software applications to customers over the Internet. These Internet-based applications are also known as “software as a service” (SaaS) and are often made available on ..
PHP Definition Stands for “Hypertext Preprocessor.” (It is a recursive acronym, if you can understand what that means.) PHP is an HTML-embedded Web scripting language. This means PHP code can be inserted into the HTML of a Web page. When a PHP page is accessed, the PHP code is read or “parsed” by the server the page ..
JavaScript Definition JavaScript is a programming language commonly used in web development. It was originally developed by Netscape as a means to add dynamic and interactive elements to websites. While JavaScript is influenced by Java, the syntax is more similar to C and is based on ECMAScript, a scripting language developed by Sun Microsystems. JavaScript is a client-side scripting language, which means the source ..
FTP Definition Stands for “File Transfer Protocol.” FTP is a protocol designed for transferring files over the Internet. Files stored on an FTP server can be accessed using an FTP client, such as a web browser, FTP software program, or a command line interface. An FTP server can be configured to enable different types of access. For example, an “anonymous FTP” configuration allows anyone ..
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