Category : Technical

User Interface Definition A user interface, also called a “UI” or simply an “interface,” is the means in which a person controls a software application or hardware device. A good user interface provides a “user-friendly” experience, allowing the user to interact with the software or hardware in a natural and intuitive way. Nearly all software programs have ..

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Whole Number Definition A whole number is an integer that is 0 or greater. The first five whole numbers are 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. They continue upwards to infinity. Whole numbers are almost identical to natural numbers except they include 0. This is important in computer science since numeric ranges often begin with zero. For example, the first record ..

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Rational Number Definition A rational number is any number that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers (hence the name “rational”). It can be written as a fraction in which the the top number (numerator) is divided by the bottom number (denominator). All integers are rational numbers since they can be divided by 1, which ..

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Grayscale Definition Grayscale is a range of monochromatic shades from black to white. Therefore, a grayscale image contains only shades of gray and no color. While digital images can be saved as grayscale (or black and white) images, even color images contain grayscale information. This is because each pixel has a luminance value, regardless of its color. Luminance can also be ..

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Hexadecimal Definition Hexadecimal is a base-16 number system. It is a different method of representing numbers than the base-10 system we use in every day practice. In base-10, we count in multiples of 10 before adding another digit. For example, “8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 12…” and “98 – 99 – 100 – 101 – 102…” ..

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MHL Definition Stands for “Mobile High-definition Link.” MHL is a technology designed for connecting mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to TVs, displays, home theater systems, and automotive interfaces. It was developed and standardized by multiple companies that make up the MHL Consortium. These include Nokia, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, and Lattice Semiconductor. An MHL connection provides three primary functions: ..

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Pixel Definition The term “pixel” is actually short for “Picture Element.” These small little dots are what make up the images on computer displays, whether they are flat-screen (LCD) or tube (CRT) monitors. The screen is divided up into a matrix of thousands or even millions of pixels. Typically, you cannot see the individual pixels, ..

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LPI Definition Stands for “Lines Per Inch.” LPI is used to measure the resolution of images printed in halftones. Because halftone images are printed as a series of dots, the higher the LPI number, the more dense the dots can be, resulting in a finer resolution. Newspapers are typically printed in a resolution of 85 lpi, ..

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Dithering Definition Dithering is a process that uses digital noise to smooth out colors in digital graphics and sounds in digital audio. Digital Graphics All digital photos are an approximation of the original subject, since computers cannot display an infinite amount of colors. Instead, the colors are estimated, or rounded to the closest color available. For example, ..

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ISO Definition Stands for “International Organization for Standardization.” Yes, technically the acronym should be “IOFS,” but I guess ISO sounds better. The ISO works with standards institutes from over 150 countries to develop technology and product standards. These standards lead to a more efficient, safer, and cleaner development of products. It also leads to more ..

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